
Friday, April 16, 2010

I am so thankful for the varying friendships in my life. I have friends that I literally have known since birth and others that are fresh from my prior employment.

Girl's Weekend @ the River House (missing one)

One of these dear friendships started when we grew up while living across the street from each other in Temple Hills. We imagined we were in a home cooking away when in reality we were sitting in a tree, we dressed up a patient cat as a baby doll, we ran across a golf course to watch fireworks, we concocted delicious pies in a sand box, and discovered a treasure box of jewelry from her grandfather. We now live in different cities yet our hearts will always be linked.
Another friendship started while peering around the skirts of our mothers and another when sitting in a bathtub (this was the reading tub) in our school classroom. The three of us have braved the death of a mother, severe depression, and the loss of a first love. We bore one another's burdens and are stronger because of it. We have suffered and rejoiced with one another. We have also been a part of the joys of life including weddings (one about to occur!) and the birth of a child. The Lord has been so sweet.

Another friendship started with competition but has been redeemed. How beautiful of the Lord to change our hearts. She is a friend that is present. Even when exhausted, she is there and speaks much needed truth into my life.

Two others began in college. One a roommate and the other a bride of one of my husband's best friends. I love how lives collide. These two friends are so much like me that they could finish my sentences. They are passionate and loyal. Even though we most likely never live in the same city, we will always make time for a trip to be in each others presence.

Girl's Weekend at the Farm
Two other dear ones live up North now (that far away and mysterious place to us Southerners :). One I knew as a child but did not come to appreciate and adore until later in life. What would I do without her? Another, makes me laugh harder than any other yet has the tenderness and gentleness of a young child. She is precious. One more friend that moved back from up North (NYC) who is the best hostess around which is saying a lot in the state of TN!
At the Tomato Festival in E.Nashville
Recent Visit our home
A friend from church that I could talk to for hours and never grow tired ... our poor husbands. We are learning to let them talk but there are so many things to talk about!

Recent Wedding
And friendships that have started at work. These people understand a part of you that many cannot. They understand why I have entered rooms where children have been abused, women have been hit, and poverty consumes a life. They understand that burning need for change and justice. Three girls in particular have listened to my anger at injustice and have allowed me to cry when overwhelmed with others struggles. No matter where we work or volunteer, we long for dignity in all lives.

Bagels and Coffee @ Bongo East
All of this to say, where will Little One find her dearest friends? What hardships will link her to another? What joys will she always hold dear because a friend shared that moment? I am so thankful for the friendships I have and will pray that Little One is as blessed as I have been.

One of our favorite "older" buddy who lives close by

Little One with one of her first boy friends
Little One with one of her walking buddies